Nubians and The cult of Isis

The Cult of Isis was the strongest religion in Nubia . In contrast, the Egyptians worshipped Ra (Re) in larger numbers. Ra was the god of the sun, and distinctly male at that. The worship of Isis began with the Meroitic period and extended into X-Group. Many Nubian rulers of the time were pictured with Isis on their crowns. This was considered a homage to her role as the "Queen of All Gods, Goddesses and Women" Since the ruler was considered to be born of the gods, it was only natural that the mother should be paid such a tribute. Another example of this type of tribute is the amulet of Isis suckling a Queen. With the exception of the Nubian/Kushite Empire, Isis was never shown with a queen .

This tribute was always given to a male ruler, never a female. However, since both Isis and the Queens played such important roles in Nubia, the exception was made.
Another example of the reverence of Isis was the "co-sponsorship" by Egypt and Nubia of her temple at Philae
 Here her cult continued, populated largely by Nubians, until the sixth century A.D.
Throughout Egypt and Nubia, the cult of Isis had a tremendous and devoted following. Isis was not only the Egyptian goddess of magical powers; she was the representation of the queen mother. In the most famous fable of the period, Isis roams the world in search of the corpse of her husband Osiris. She returns Osiris to his rightful resting place, only to have Osiris' evil brother Seth cut him to pieces and scatter him throughout the land. Isis then takes her son Horus and sets out to find every piece of the corpse so she may tenderly bury it in the hopes that she can resurrect him again. She is successful, and Osiris becomes the god of the underworld. Although Isis, Osiris, and Horus are then established as a trinity, Isis immediately became the most popular of the three . This can be partially attributed to her role as the devoted, untiring, nurturer of the land and culture of Egypt and Nubia.
In the Nubian valley, worship of the queen of all goddesses, Isis, was paramount. From the capital of Meroe, warrior queens fought for the interests of the Nubian/Kushite empire. Throughout history, women were portrayed in Nubian art as the bearers of the offspring of the gods. Today, Nubian women have a much different experience. Nevertheless, Nubian women fulfill a demanding and unique series of roles.
The myth of Isis and Osiris
After sett. the god of evil has killed his brother. Osiris and scattered his carcass, the goodness Isis collected his body and resurrected it, she became pregnant on their son Horuse. After that she buried osiris in the land of Nuba , his head was put in the island of phylae (Anas El Woggod ). his body was buried allover the valley from the Falls to Khartoom and his legs extended throughout the two branches of the Nile ,the white Nile and the blue Nile.
Isis wept at her husband's head until her tears flooded and rushed towards the north crushing the rocks of Aswan Falls and the blessing and prosperity prevailed throughout the north (Egypt ), from that moment the Nile flowed in Egypt.
Some old tellers accounted for the interest of Egypt and its great kings immortalizing their glories in Nuba as Egypt considered a holy land , the land of the good forefathers , so they built monuments to be a sacrifice for thanking osiris , God of goodness and victory concerning the Nubians .


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